Posts tagged destiny
A Family Conquers Destiny 2's Zero Hour Together

Recently my sister, Kacy (58), and my daughter, Cara (49), have both been bitten by the gaming bug. We meet regularly on Xbox and play online games together. For us it is social, challenging, and fun even though we didn’t grow up playing video games. We’ve come late to gaming, learning to navigate in virtual 2- or 3-D environments using a dual-stick controller, suffering the embarrassment and frustration while loving the challenge.

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Bouncing Off: Why it's Okay

When I was a kid, in fact, when most of us were kids, our options for games to play were limited. I still remember planning out what game or two I would have for summer break. There is so much out there to play, so many things to discover, you should never feel like you have to like something. Someone out there is making your favorite game. Maybe it’s already out!

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Our Favorite Weapons in Destiny 2: Utility Edition

There are a lot of lists out there about all the exotic guns you need to have in Destiny 2, but you can only equip a single exotic at a time. It is just as important to be able to put together a solid loadout, with or without exotics. There are so many ways to do this I can't possibly cover them all. What I can do, is tell you all about the most utilitarian weapons I have found, and how they compliment each other, in both PvP and PvE. You'll find a mix of exotics and lengendaries here, and the list may expand with expansions.

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